Tag: adventure

  • Random

    I say random because it’s not everyday that I set out to go bowling and find myself at the Cambodian border instead. Yesterday Pi Tot invited me to go bowling. We never did make it to the bowling alley. Before we left his house he needed to meet with someone. That someone was a little…

  • Of Motorcycles and Mail

    I was walking on my way to eat lunch when all of a sudden I became aware that the people walking beside me were no longer beside me. They had stopped. About that same time I realized I had just been hit. I turned around to find that what had just run into me was…

  • Buses and Badminton

    Should you happen to be in Bangkok, you should know that there are buses with the same number that run different routes. Admittedly the buses look entirely different. The one was really more a van and the other a full size bus. One blue the other orange. I however had not been warned about this,…

  • Ouch!

    Today I received my first physical attack for Christ. At speaker’s corner a Muslim man had forced Jay off his ladder. After several times being removed from his ladder the police showed up. They asked Jay to move. At the new location I stood in front of him to try and deter attacks. The same…