Tag: adventure

  • Wet, Dark, Bump

    Friday night I was returning to my room on my motorcycle from a visit to a friend. The road was wet from rain. As I made a turn at an intersection I hit a bump. Hitting the bump I hit my breaks. Between the wet road, the turning, the bump, and the breaking, my motorcycle […]

  • Shelter in the Storm

    It can be nice to take shelter under the porch of strangers when it starts raining. It can be even better if they are friendly, your age, and have a guitar. However, if the rain is still coming down hard after an hour and a half, and during that hour and a half whiskey has […]

  • Random

    So today as I was walking home from buying groceries, a lady I didn’t know stopped me and invited me into her yard. Figuring that a front yard is pretty safe, I accepted the invitation. The reason she gave me for inviting me in was she saw I was new and from out of this […]

  • Kung!

    After a great night of sleep, Randy, his 3 year-old son, and I launched into a full day. We started by squeezing my stuff into the truck. I say squeezing because the bed of the pickup was already close to full with a 100 liter tank and two large oxygen tanks. We did manage to […]

  • Motorcycles and Aerobic Dance

    Last night Pi Silk took me to a Thai fair. There, for 75 cents I watched a seventeen year old ride a motorcycle around the vertical walls of a cylindrical tank. As he was riding around (necessarily quite fast), he swung his one leg over the bike, so that he was sitting side saddle. He […]