Category: Thoughts
Boxes scattered haphazardly, trash sprinkled around, no cars. When I got home from work today it looked like my neighbor left in a hurry. Asking around, I discovered that the police raided his room, confiscated all his CD burning equipment, and impounded his (sporty) pickup, his sports car, and his Buell motorcycle. Following this, our…
The Moon
This evening an image crossed my mind. I’m still trying to decide how well it fits. I was observing Thai people circle the neighborhood temple. They were commemorating and contemplating the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. This commemoration corresponded with the full moon. This commemoration meant that you couldn’t buy alcohol in Thailand…
I’m Not Strong Enough
I just finished listening to a very good reminder. I just listened to the Pentecost Sunday sermon from FABIC, You’ve Got to be Pentecostal. I want to live a life not my own with a strength not my own. In and of my self I do not have the strength even for surrender. God help…
Church (the Isaan Way)
I had a great experience today. I went with friends to an Isaan church a little over an hour a way. It was inspiring. It was Isaan led, it was Isaan style. The worship team used traditional Isaan instruments (many churches here use guitars, bass, etc). I was very much a fan. I want to…