Category: Thoughts

  • Answer the Prayer of Christ

    Last night I was with a group of people praying for a very sad conflict within the church in Cambodia. One of those present prayed (in reference to John 17) “Lord Jesus, may we answer your prayer.” It reminded me of Matt 5:24. It would seem that one reason God doesn’t answer our prayers is…

  • Sabbath and a Boro Connection

    Yesterday was a good day.  Rather Sabbathy. I think in general Christians today are too ready to throw out the Sabbath baby with the legalistic bath water. Jesus didn’t tell people to stop obeying one of the ten commandments, he just pointed out that (like all the other commandments) the call to cease for a…

  • The Joy of a Disappointing Jesus

    If the title of the sermon makes you curious check it out here It was a good reminder to delight in the realization that Jesus is more than I might sometimes want him to be, not less. Jesus has come to do more than make me comfy. While I’m commenting on Sunday mornings, allow me…

  • The Great Omission

    To borrow Steve Saint’s expansion of an old analogy, rather than feeding the world spiritual fish, I want to “Distribute spiritual fish samples and then train all those who want more to fish for themselves AND teach them to teach others to fish.” I won’t claim that this is the best quote from The Great…

  • EKG

    So, not surprisingly my young, non-smoking, fit self tested out OK. The EKG and the chest xrays looked normal. The weird, unexplained part were the chest pains while running that preceded the tests. It did provide an opportunity to sit and talk with my Dad for 2 and a half hours. Tape removal hurts worse…