
Yesterday I had a good dinner with the people from my class at language school. One of the highlights was when one of the guys tried to practice his bargaining skills. The item had a starting price of 70 baht. After he asked the girl if she could lower the price she answered she could make the price 100 baht. He misheard, and asked if she could lower the price further. She answered she could make the price 200 baht. At this point several of us started laughing, he wondered why. He thought she had come down 1 baht, and then down 2 baht from the original price. He hadn’t heard the “hundred.” She gave the item to him for 70 baht. 

Tonight I leave for Ubon by train to visit friends there. While there I hope to stop in and visit the school where I will be teaching in a few months. 


Today I feel a bit sick. I continue to welcome your prayers.






One response to “Bargain”

  1. kathylong Avatar

    Hey Micah, I am pretty wakeful when I should be sleepful due to surgery etc…so when you are an awake person I just might be praying for you, instead of most mornings when I am waking up and you are shutting down which is when I usually am praying. So now you get real time prayer from me…
    2 am is a great time to pray, it beats looking at Steve snoring away and wanting to wake him up to have company!!
    Missing you mucho…sounds like the Lord is helping you to take good drinks from the water hydrant of language learning all around you. Will keep praying for that, and your bit sickness. My opinion, is your sicky’s are from the bird spit soup you ate.
    Let me explain. A bird nest is for a bird to sleep in, which is actually erroneous…birds actually make nests when they want to raise babies. so you are eating a nursery. People do not eat other people’s houses, or in this case, bird houses. Now it is totally ok, from a carnivore’s perspective, to eat the bird or the egg, but leave the house. Spit, as you will recall from getting in trouble from spitting on people or floors as a young child, or more likely, watching another child get in trouble from that particular felony, is gross.
    Thought you would like me to clear that up for you.
    any time I can be of assistance.
    Love you sir, it sounds like you are walking around with your heart wide open. keep it up.

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