Tag: running

  • Longest Run of My Life

    Yesterday morning I ran further than I have ever run before. I ran 20 miles in two hours, twenty six minutes, and fourteen seconds. Upon finishing I felt both wonderful and miserable. Wonderful because I had accomplished my goal. Miserable because my legs were stiff, my joints were sore, my body had no strength, and…

  • Shoes

    Today after work when I was getting ready to go running, I made the very unpleasant discovery that my running shoes had disappeared from my front porch. I’ve been doing a very little bit of barefoot running occasionally as a cool down. I decided I could run a little further barefoot. After running two miles…

  • The Question

    Right up there with “to be or not to be” is the question of what to do when circumstances beyond your control prevent your running before sunset. Do you opt for streetlights and traffic or darkness?

  • Running

    Trying to get in shape for a Marathon I’ve come to appreciate how many low traffic roads I have had available to me the various places I’ve previously trained. Waynesboro and Grantham are both well supplied with roads for running. After two weeks I’m already getting tired of the not-so-great loops that start at my…

  • New

    Recently I received a cello and a Sony eReader from home. Additionally, I was just informed of a marathon coming up nearby in January. So between playing cello, reading any book that is out of copyright for free, and running, my free time has become quite solidly spoken for. I imagine as the newness wears…