Tag: culture

  • สบาย ๆ

    สบาย:comfortable. สบาย ๆ: chill, relax, take a deep breath, easy going. (ๆ is a repeat sign. สบาย ๆ is read สบาย สบาย) That’s without looking in a dictionary, so it may be a little off. Translation aside, today was a reminder that living here in this country it’s best to be able to face things and just think สบาย ๆ. (This is probably…

  • Shirts

    When I first showed up here at school I tried to get an idea of what attire is and is not acceptable. A lot of teachers wear yellow polo shirts (yellow is the the color associated with Monday, which is the day the king was born on, so yellow is the king’s color, so wearing…

  • Fish

    Yesterday one of the people here where I live took me to his village to spend a day with his family and friends. The first thirty minutes or so were a little awkward, but after that I had a great time. We sat around chatting (and eating) for about an hour and a half while…

  • Church (the Isaan Way)

    I had a great experience today. I went with friends to an Isaan church a little over an hour a way. It was inspiring. It was Isaan led, it was Isaan style. The worship team used traditional Isaan instruments (many churches here use guitars, bass, etc). I was very much a fan. I want to…

  • WET!

    I’ve now completed day one of a three-day, nationwide water fight. The root of it all is pouring water while giving a blessing. What comes from that root are pickups loaded with tanks of water driving back and forth on the main roads drenching each other. There are even official places you can stop to…