Thoughts, Travel, Music

  • Party, Apology, and a Cookie Press

    The last night of November my neighbors had a party. The party included two things apparently essential to any Thai shindig: drink and (loud) karaoke. The neighbors generally behave themselves, so I figured one night of loudness is probably excusable. The next time the neighbors saw me, they brought me a plate of fruit and…

  • อูมามิ

    Tonight I went to a free concert hosted by the makers of อูมามิ seasoning. Several of the actors from my favorite Thai sitcom แฟกทอรีที่รัก were on stage during the evening. I was reminded that laughing is a good thing.

  • Responsibility

    Today one of my students from last year joined me for lunch. It kind of surprised me because usually his lunch is the next period. It turns out he was skipping class to finish an assignment on the topic of being responsible.

  • Pies

    This evening I made a pumpkin pie and two pecan pies (without Corn Syrup). Tomorrow I get to taste them. I’m a little nervous. I was unable to use the recipes I was familiar with (due to a lack of ingredients), and it had been awhile since I’d done any baking. Things didn’t go as…

  • Ubon’s Autumn

    It would be true to say I haven’t written for a while. Recently I have been enjoying cooler weather (and three days off school). I have had the pleasure of some rather autumnal walks. I love long sleeves and cool breezes. I like stepping on dry fallen leaves (there are a few trees that seem…

Got any book recommendations?