Category: Uncategorized

  • Wow!

    This morning I met Lynn Myers at McD’s at 6:00 to work out some Thailand internship details. After ordering my food, the cashier lady paid for my meal from out of her own pocket! Sure, I know her. She goes to my church. But still, Wow!

  • Random: all over the place within the weekend

    The trouble is the more I have that is worth writing about, the less time I have to do the writing. Seth and I had a good time chillin’ here (and other places) alone this past weekend. We went up to Messiah Friday night and heard some great string music. It had been too long…

  • Electricity and Water

    Just a reminder: If you are working on your pond and your pump isn’t working, no matter how many times you unplug and replug it while trying to fix it, remain cautious. Water and electricity work great together, but water, and electricity, and exposed skin, are not such a great combo.

  • The Mower

    So two days ago I spent approximately forever trying to get our mower started. I decided to wait until we got some starter fluid. Yesterday it rained. Despite all my toughness I didn’t attempt to start the mower in the rain. Today I tried again. Our next door neighbor told me I wasn’t getting any…

  • January 2008

    I have arrived at the decision to head to Thailand this coming January. I’m excited!