Category: Thailand
Here in the Benchama English Program finals are proctored by students’ homeroom teachers, rather than by the teacher of the test material. The thinking is that this prevents students in one class from talking to students in another class and giving the second class a higher score. This system would work just fine if all…
not done, but in the clear
I have now finished writing my tests. So, unlike last year, I will not be pulling an allnighter to finish them. Tomorrow I will give the last set of tests and get down to grading. I have a week to wrap up grading for the semester. End of semester grading doesn’t bother me too much.…
Yesterday I copied a math problem from a textbook onto a test. Today as I was grading the test, I discovered that the geometry of the triangles (as drawn in the textbook) was impossible. As a result students’ answers varied depending on their process. Should you ever decide to write a textbook, please make sure…
Lest I Think My Life is Boring
I’m currently living at the Goshorns’ house. Friend Z has a key to the Goshorn’s house. The internet at Friend Z’s house is not working. Yesterday while I was out Friend Z asked if she could swing by my house to use the internet. I said “sure, but take a key ’cause I’m not there.”…