Category: Thailand

  • My City

    Today I got to show Mark around Ubon. We saw Tung Sri Muang and surrounds. We swung by the OTOP. We were joined by Jon for a lunch at Golfer House followed by a Milo Dip. We then took a tour of SK wrapping up the tour with a movie (in Thai (Mark okeyed it)).…

  • In Siem Reap

    In the last 48 hours Mark and I have travelled 250km using the ol’ bicycles. Yesterday we travelled from Sisaket, Thailand to Anlong Veng, Cambodia (~115km). This journey included some serious through the mountains stuff and a border crossing (which involves a story worth telling sometime in more detail). Today we went from Anlong Veng…

  • Sisaket

    In brief: Mark and I have arrived in Sisaket. We are quite safe. Perhaps a bit sunburned. We found a nice hotel for the night. (Thai food, Thai snacks are always yummy!)

  • Seeing the Surroundings

    Just got back from three days with friends seeing some of the sights here in Ubon Province. I don’t have time to tell all about it now. Tomorrow I’m headed out on an bicycle adventure to Angkor Wat. Time is limited. Hopefully this smattering of pictures from the past three days will give you an…

  • Moonlit Ride

    I had a fun ride on my bike last night in the moonlight. Hooray for the wide shoulders on the road between Muang Samsip and Ubon.