Category: Thailand

  • Vanish

    Tonight I leave for Bangkok. I’ll be there until the 12th. From there I will travel to Chiang Mai. I will return to Ubon late the 18th. I make no promise of maintaining contact with the outside world during the next two weeks.

  • Little Brothers

    Last night I invited a 4 year old and a 6 year old over to spend the night. It was a lot of fun. While we were still in the car on the way to my room one of the boys commented that his teacher is even older than his sister (eight years old). He…

  • Night

    Thursday night I worked all night long to finish up two finals to give my classes Friday morning. I had been working on the tests all week, but had had difficulty making progress because of students stopping by for various things and other assorted interruptions. It was not at all my plan to spend the…

  • Food Update

    I’ve gotten a little behind in writing (among other things). This is just a quick one to let those of you who enjoy tracking my diet know that I’ve now eaten grubs and snails. I’m not a big fan of either, but I would definitely choose grubs over snails.

  • Last Day of Class

    Today was the last day of classes for this term. I’m sure there is something I should be able to say about it, but at the moment the ol’ brain is a little on the well-toasted side of things. Monday and Tuesday nights of this last week I was at school until after 9:00 at…