Category: Thailand

  • Reminder

    This video struck me as well-done and timely.

  • Safe

    So you know, despite upheaval in the Kingdom’s capital Ubon remains a peaceful place. If you are wondering what I’m referring to, the BBC can bring you up to speed. It is interesting to note that these people blockading international airports and violently forcing police to retreat are “the educated people.”

  • The Question

    Right up there with “to be or not to be” is the question of what to do when circumstances beyond your control prevent your running before sunset. Do you opt for streetlights and traffic or darkness?

  • Observation

    Today my teaching was observed by someone other than my students for the first time. It took me a few minutes to feel something like natural while someone sat and took notes. On the whole I think it went well. In other news, one of the more annoying things available for human experience is the…

  • Running

    Trying to get in shape for a Marathon I’ve come to appreciate how many low traffic roads I have had available to me the various places I’ve previously trained. Waynesboro and Grantham are both well supplied with roads for running. After two weeks I’m already getting tired of the not-so-great loops that start at my…