Category: Thailand

  • The Moon

    This evening an image crossed my mind. I’m still trying to decide how well it fits. I was observing Thai people circle the neighborhood temple. They were commemorating and contemplating the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. This commemoration corresponded with the full moon. This commemoration meant that you couldn’t buy alcohol in Thailand…

  • Hard Questions

    School has started back up. Yesterday I was in the cafeteria eating at one of the teacher tables and a teacher I met last year came and joined me. He confirmed his recollection that my father is a teacher in the church. He wanted to know whether Protestants have a Pope, what the meaning is…

  • สามพันโบก

    Some friends and I took a day trip down to check out some rocks on the Mekong river. Without my computer I’m having trouble manipulating photos, but you can see a few of them here.

  • Backup

    I still hope to recover my computer, but in the meantime I am extremely grateful for some of the backups I had. If you don’t have an online backup, you should consider some of the free services like mozy. If you do sign up, let them know I sent you (my referral code is FCZ7H1).…

  • Easter

    Baptisms fit with Easter. Being present at the first baptism ever in a village, is a great way to celebrate Easter!