Category: Allegheny Intern ’03

  • Good Day

    Today was a good day. In the morning I led staff devotions. Following that I made some phone calls to set up interviews, then I read a section of a book from John Brubaker. Then I worked until lunch on cards for The Wall. After lunch I finished the cards with Mike. I then conducted…

  • The Office

    This ministry stuff is starting to wear me out. If I finish this summer it will be on God’s strength not my own (I suppose that’s how life is). I have realized the importance of regular Christian fellowship. The times I have found most refreshing have been those spent with good friends from the FABIC…

  • Jr and Sr High

    Today I taught Jr. +Sr. High Sunday School at Mowersville BIC. It was a good experience, but one that until it was over made me very nervous. I think the class went pretty well, but I have no way of knowing what went through their minds or hearts. During the service I played special music;…

  • Mowersville

    Two days ago I went up to Mowersville. I sat in on the opening of their school day (quick devotions and the handing out of a few papers). I then worked on printing out certificates for that evening’s award banquet. Then on preparing thank you letters. After that I accompanied Darrel Potteiger to Christian Light…

  • Bishoping

    Yesterday I had little time to journal, so I’ll see what I can remember. In the morning I had breakfast with Bishop Rob and the Bedford church plant advisory team. I found out all sorts of things about the pre-plant church planting process. For example, there is a church planter boot camp. I saw the…