Category: Allegheny Intern ’03

  • Rural

    This week has been good. In the mornings we’ve had a time scheduled (9:00-11:30) to spend with “the young people” (middle school through high school). Monday, in part due to their attendance at Roxbury, no one showed up, so I got a tour of the church. Tuesday Rachel was there and we talked first about […]

  • Roxbury

    This past week, Roxbury ’03, was good stuff. The whole week I led worship for the Junior High (sixteen sessions). I was also the audio/visual guy for the speaker, Caleb Bislow. This past week ranks among the best of my internship. I was doing what I do well, I was doing what I enjoy, I […]

  • Walkersville

    Last week at Connection point I continued to assist at Phones-for-You in the evening. In the mornings I worked at home doing computing things for Doug Bender (putting together spreadsheets, internet price comparison, label printing, etc) This week I am at Walkersville BIC. Monday and Tuesday night I joined the Walkersville staff in assisting with […]

  • Phone Calls

    Today I helped set up for Connection Point’s Phones-for-You campaign. I then spent two hours making 59 phone calls. The phone calls went easier than I expected, but I still found myself taking controlled breaths while waiting for someone to answer.

  • Broken

    One thing that has hit me the hardest this week is the brokenness of the camper’s families. I can’t even begin to relate to what they’re going through: fatherlessness, physical abuse, having to choose which parent to live with.