Author: Micah
Seeing the Surroundings
Just got back from three days with friends seeing some of the sights here in Ubon Province. I don’t have time to tell all about it now. Tomorrow I’m headed out on an bicycle adventure to Angkor Wat. Time is limited. Hopefully this smattering of pictures from the past three days will give you an…
Moonlit Ride
I had a fun ride on my bike last night in the moonlight. Hooray for the wide shoulders on the road between Muang Samsip and Ubon.
Just a Kid
The other day a grown-up, speaking as to another grown-up, said to me, of someone older than myself, “he’s still just a kid.” It was mildly disconcerting.
Here in the Benchama English Program finals are proctored by students’ homeroom teachers, rather than by the teacher of the test material. The thinking is that this prevents students in one class from talking to students in another class and giving the second class a higher score. This system would work just fine if all…