Author: Micah
Lest I Think My Life is Boring
I’m currently living at the Goshorns’ house. Friend Z has a key to the Goshorn’s house. The internet at Friend Z’s house is not working. Yesterday while I was out Friend Z asked if she could swing by my house to use the internet. I said “sure, but take a key ’cause I’m not there.”…
Facebook and the Royal Thai Police
This morning I went to open facebook and found the following message Sorry, the web site you are accessing has been closed by Royal Thai Police due to inappropriateness such as pornography, gambling or contain any information which is deemed to violate national security. So, don’t expect me to reply to any messages via facebook.…
The irony of my situation is just a little too thick. My new flight from Beijing to Bangkok has been delayed over an hour. If this delay had happened yesterday, I could have made the flight despite my late arrival in Beijing. I could have made it to Ubon as planned.