Answered Prayer

Today God again answered my prayers. It was severely overcast and we went out to do book table evangelism and tracting. It started raining as soon as we got out of the van. I asked that it would stop raining and that God would give us beautiful weather. Shortly after I realized that the rain had stopped, then sun was out, and the air had pleasantly warmed. It was more than I had asked or imagined.

***Two other times during my trip God answered specific prayers. Unfortunately I failed to journal about them at the time. The first was during our time of park evangelism. Things were going crazy: Rather than several kids going in an orderly way through several organized activity stations, we had three gypsy children and about four other children wanting to use whatever equipment we didn’t have out. Instead of interacting with the children and their parents, we were being kept busy keeping them from tearing things apart. Part way through the afternoon a group from a local church joined us to do a puppet show. While they were setting up a drunk man came and cursed at them, telling them to set up somewhere else. When some other people from our team joined us (they had been playing soccer to make contact with people in the park) I went off by myself and prayed. I returned to find Erin having a meaningful talk with the three gypsy women and Marcus interacting with an Iraqi couple. I believe the change in the spiritual atmosphere occurred because God responded to his people’s prayers.
The other answer to prayer I failed to journal about was a second time God stopped the rain while we were out tracting. Praise Him! ***





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